Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Week 9: Draft 3 (million that is) is getting late, I have to work in the morning, and I have just wrapped up my millionth draft. 

I think that I have a pretty good draft this time, and hope that we get time for feedback from classmates.  For my latest trick, I decided to take a new approach and begin with a semi-anecdote.  I gave a brief little story of how the traditional classroom evolved into this online, technological monster! 

I also tried to tighten up my writing by stating my exact meanings and using good word choice.

Paragraph headings helped me to somewhat organize my thoughts better.  While I do have a hand-written, scratched up outline, the headings helped me to stay on course. 

The last thing that I am waiting on is an online article that the librarian has to send me from ERIC.  I have tried 3 different colleges and cannot get this article in my hand...uuuggghh.

Finally, I took a fresh look at some of my references and added a few more!  I can only hope that I am getting closer to the end.

GN (I recently learned that that means, Good Night!)

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