Thursday, February 21, 2013

Week 6: My Best and Worst Feedack (In Class 2/21)

My best feedback was actually not written feedback.  Many moons ago, I took a creative writing class and I think it was at UWM?  Anyhow...I wrote an essay on my Aunt Clem who passed away when I was 15 years old.  The teacher handed back the essay with a grade of A and a few short lines.  When class ended, she called me outside and she told me something like, "You are such a great writer...I will back you in anything you do in writing."  That was many moons ago, but I still remember her words and the emotion in her voice when she said this. When I have writer's block, I always remember this.

My worst feedback was when I was a student at University of Phoenix.  I wrote a research paper and it was evident that the teacher was irritated to the bone with my paper.  In my feedback, he wrote something really negative like it was not good.  Since I had tried so hard, I called him up and asked him to explain.  He said something like, " have that bad writing habit."  For the life of me, I still do not know what the bad habit is.  He just kinda sighed on the phone and never answered my question.  I had to eventually let him go as he nearly ruined my self-esteem for life!

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