Thursday, April 25, 2013

In Class 4/25: My Reflection of the Reflection

I would like to think that my reflection paper had many of the qualities listed on the board; I mean, I tried at least :)

I believe that good writing shows a deep sense of honesty.  This happens when a writer is able to elaborate on his or her feelings surrounding an issue.  For me, I tried to be honest even when it was uncomfortable to do me, that is a risk that I took as a writer, because I trust that I wouldn't be marked down for being honest.  For example, when I discussed how I hated the poster and video, I was in no way trying to win over the instructor.  I told exactly how I felt about the issue, even if the truth may be unfavorable to the reader.

Also, I think that I covered all of the surface bases by being able to at least discuss some things that were in the class.  After reading this, it is obvious that I was at least in attendance during the class, and participative.

I am just not really sure if anything else can be added to the list??  Good writing happens when the reader and the writer can connect as human beings and somehow 'share' their experiences.  The emotions are tapped in good writing.  A good writer can succeed by being honest and expressive.  Oh, one more thing...when a writer can say exactly what he or she means is also good.  We know this happens when there is little room for interpretation between the words.

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