Friday, April 12, 2013

Week 11: My Draft (#4)

In the current draft, my purpose is to solidify my argument.  I (think) that I am saying that good feedback is essential online!  I am writing to teachers who either ARE or WANT TO teach online.  I hope that my research paper engages these teachers and makes them want to consider the importance of feedback.  The main points are that Feedback is essential, and there are lots of electronic ‘helps’ available to assist teachers in the online classroom. 

I also make the point that some of the electronic tools are so good to where all teachers may want to consider using them.  These tools help teachers to not only eliminate the red pen, but point the students to good resources for correction.  Finally, I want online teachers to understand that even though they are not face to face, they still have options to speak with students through chats, discussion boards, and even the telephone.

I think that I have become more persuasive in that I am constantly focusing on the Feedback teaching strategy.  I hope that they walk away with a feeling that they are not alone, and there are options out there. 
As a whole, I know that I will make further revisions, but I feel more confident that I am at least on the right road…I want to find some way to dress up my conclusion, so that my paper ends with a Bang…I forgot to mention…the Title thing is driving me nuts!  Sigh…I will come up with a good title soon.

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