Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Paper vs. The Rubric...who will win?

As far as my paper is concerned, I feel that I am on track with most elements in the rubric.  I believe that this is definitely an argument worth making!  Many teachers are silently struggling with this issue.  The reason why this is true is because we sometimes talk about it at faculty meetings.  Teachers want to do better, and provide good feedback to their online classrooms.  I tried to arrange my writing by first introducing the problem, discussing possible solutions, and giving a strong conclusion that restates the importance of my solutions.  I think that the examples of software, and how to question students Socratically are good examples that teachers can use.  Finally, I worked hard to format the paper and cite references correctly.  The one thing that I am not really confident in is that I did not write too many difficult sentences.  As I review my draft, I will challenge myself to do this.  Finally, I did not use the word “bubbler” in the paper, but I am sure that I can find some way to make this happen! J

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