Friday, April 12, 2013

Week 11: The Readings on Visual Composition

The readings in general were surprising to me.  I am not an “artsy” person, so most of it was new information to me.  I think that the most interesting part was that the Shore article mentioned how cameras essentially don’t lie.  The discussion on how a photographer can take a photo from a slightly different angle and create different perspectives reminded me of a book I once read.  In the book, a community photographer was searching for a suspect along a parade route.  The photographer searched diligently through photos from different angles.   The suspect was eventually located in a photo (at an angle) somewhere behind a building.  This article helped me to realize that cameras are interesting.  I understood some of the concepts in the Bang article on perceptions, heights, etc., but towards the end of the book, I lost focus (no pun intended).  I feel that because I am not artistic, I could not really understand what the author was trying to show.

My understanding of visual composition is that graphic artists, photographers, etc. can purposely ‘arrange’ things and get certain effects from the audience.  This is similar to how writers can arrange certain words and evoke specific responses from the audience.  One main difference with visual composition is that there is much more room for interpretation that written composition.  Sometimes, artists are also extremely surprised by how the audience interpreted a work.  While this also happens in writing, it seems to be more prevalent in art. 

As I move toward designing a poster, I think that I will most remember that colors (light vs. dark), shapes (curly vs. sharp), and heights and widths can affect how an audience may feel about my poster.  I will adjust my poster according to the overall feeling that I am trying to display. I am a little concerned that I may not be able to do this well, but I will certainly give it a try.  I almost feel like I have to send subliminal messages to my audience or something! J

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